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K-S 8 \U nádraží\ is rated 4.7 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY]. Read and write reviews about K-S 8 \U nádraží\.
;) super
(Translated by Google) It was closed, we just drove around. Krasne udrzovane. (Original) Bylo zavreno, jen jsme jeli okolo. Krasne udrzovane.
(Translated by Google) Despite the fact that no one has been here this week, I send my praise. The first renovated bell tower. More dreams will follow. Fingers crossed. We also met the train. Figs (Original) I pres fakt, ze tu tenhle tyden nikdo nebyl, posilam pochvalu. Prvni zrekonstruovana zvonova sachta. Dalsi sna d budou nasledovat. Drzime palce. I vlacek jsme potkali. Fiky
(Translated by Google) Very nice infantry cabin in an interesting place. His job was to defend the railway. Good strategic position. The cabin is renovated. (Original) Velmi pěkný pěchotní srub na zajímavém místě. Jeho úkolem bylo bránit železniční trať. Dobrá strategická pozice. Srub je po rekonstrukci.
(Translated by Google) The building is renovated inside and serves as a museum. Many exhibits to see (Original) Objekt je uvnitř rekonstruovaný a slouží jako muzeum. Mnoho exponátů k nahlédnutí
(Translated by Google) Unfortunately it was closed. But I get it. Mostly it's up to the volunteers and probably no one had time off. (Original) Bohužel bylo zavřeno. Ale chápu to. Většinou to je na dobrovolnícich a asi zrovna neměl nikdo volno.
(Translated by Google) A beautiful infantry cabin with a beautiful exposure (Original) Krásný pěchotní srub s krásnou expozicí
(Translated by Google) This beautiful military log cabin at the former train station has a beautiful camouflage color and it can be seen that the state (or owner) is well cared for by this infantry blockhouse. The log is from the other side wiped out from the war and it is not possible to renovate it. at the ruined side of the cabin. According to my opinion, this cabin is a good trip for a family with children interested in at least a bit of military. (Original) Tento krásný vojenský srub u bývalé vlakové zastávky má nádhernou maskáčovou barvu a je vidět,že stát(případně vlastník) se o tento pěchotní srub dobře stará.Srub je z druhé strany probořený již od války a nejde zřejmě renovovat.Jediné co bych vytknul je znečištění u pobořené strany srubu.Podle mého názoru je tento srub dobrým výletem pro rodinu s dětmi zajímající se alespoň trochu o vojenství.
K-S 8 \U nádraží\
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